René ter Haar, CEO
René ter Haar is a forensic accountant with many years of experience fighting fraud and financial and economic crime. He is an expert in special accounting investigations involving, for example, valuation, insurance claims and investigative due diligence. As a forensic accountant he started in 1981 with the tracing department of IRS Investigations (FIOD) and later worked for NCIS, The Dutch National Police, Coopers & Lybrand Accountants and PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

He was appointed by the Court of Justice at The Hague as a permanent judicial expert.

René regularly lectures in and outside The Netherlands on behalf of corporations and government entities concerning forensic accountancy, financial/economic crime, fraud prevention, fraud risks, environmental crime, IT-crime and private investigations. René also conducts courses at the Dutch National Police Academy, The Ministry of Justice and the Universities of Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Business University Nyenrode.
René ter Haar